plans and warrants

planning & building regulations

Every self-build project needs planning permission and certification, to make sure it complies with British building regulations. Our building regulation services help you to get through the paperwork as quickly and straightforwardly as possible. With over 30 years’ experience, we know the ropes!

what is planning?

Outline Planning Permission
At its simplest, outline planning permission (OPP) asks the question ‘can I develop this site?’ It’s one way to start the planning process, and is often the most sympathetic way to approach a local council when asking for permission to build.

Self-builders typically apply for OPP when there’s contention or uncertainty over the development of a site. They may have been advised that there’s not a clear case for reasonable development.

A successful OPP process means the site ‘has outline planning permission’, with an indication of the type of development considered acceptable. For example, a site may have OPP for a 3-bedroom, room-in-the-roof dwelling.

Land is often sold with OPP, which is important when considering sites, as it states what kind of development is approvable.

Detailed Planning Permission
If outline planning permission asks ‘can I develop this site?’, the detailed planning permission (DPP) answers: ‘yes, you can, and it needs to look like this’.

For many projects, the planning process begins with a DPP application. Every project requires DPP. This gives you permission to develop a site, and states the parameters within which you can build.

The DPP process mainly deals with what the building will look like, rather than structural details. Typically, it covers considerations such as local vernacular architecture, neighbouring properties, and community development.

Although there’s a national framework for planning permissions, they are handled by local councils, so the process can vary. Most planning applications take 6-8 weeks to be approved, if there are no significant hurdles.

Fleming Homes have been submitting planning applications throughout the UK for over 30 years. Our in-house planning service provides a simple solution to what can often be a difficult task.

What’s more, our services give you a far greater chance of first-time success, or your money back! See Planning Permission for details.

Planning & Building Regulations Approvals
As shown on the map below we have worked with planning authorities and building control teams all over the UK.

Fleming Homes Planning And Building Regulations Approvals Oct 23
Location of Fleming Homes’ projects 2010-23
Fleming Homes Flourish dark

what are building regulations?

Every new house built in the UK needs a form of building regulation approval. How this is achieved is slightly different, depending on where you’re planning to build.

In Scotland, the process of satisfying building regulations is known as a ‘building warrant’. No work can start onsite, until you have a stamped, approved building warrant for your project, so the process is very definitive, with a very clear set of guidelines for approval.

The process in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is a little broader, with several different ways you can get building regulations approval for your project. The process is simply known as ‘building regulations’, or ‘building regs’ for short.

There are two main routes to the building regulations process in England, Wales and Northern Ireland:

  • building notice
  • full plans submission.

The building notice route lets you start building on site as soon as you’ve received planning approval, allowing you to address the building regulations through the building process. This process is useful if time is critical, as it means you can move forward in your build programme quicker. However, it can also be counter-productive, especially in fast paced timber frame projects. A key benefit of off-site production is that you can assess all the build items before anything is manufactured and constructed onsite – including all the relevant building regulations for your project. The building notice route can often be a reactive way of addressing a project. A full plans submission is much like the Scottish building warrant system – you submit a full set of technical plans to your local council or private surveyor for sign off, before any work starts.

The Scottish building warrant system is notoriously robust and infamous for the time and energy it can take to achieve an approved building warrant. Also, the baseline regulations in Scotland are generally at a higher standard than elsewhere in the UK. Our building regulations service is geared to Scottish building warrant demands, so our specifications and building regulations drawings proceed through the English, Welsh and Northern Irish system with little resistance.

For more information on planning permission and building regulations approval contact Fleming Homes.


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